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There are a few reasons to reset your printer. This can be done from the printer's menu, if it has one, or from the computer's control panel/system settings. In most cases you'll need to do this when your ink cartridge is running low as it will instruct you as such once the process is complete. However, sometimes it will be necessary when you want to get rid of certain files on your computer that are bogging down performance, or when the printer just won't function properly anymore. If any of these situations apply to you then follow along with our guide below for how to reset an epson printer using . zip This method will work for all models of epson printers. If you have an older printer you may have to reset it by removing the power cord from the back of the printer, then plugging it back in. If your epson printer is new or recently reset due to low ink then this won't work, you'll have to follow the instructions below. First, download this .zip file containing various files that are needed to fully reset your epson printer's firmware and settings. Be sure to save it somewhere you'll be able to find it again. Once downloaded navigate over to your 'My Documents' folder and right click on 'Control Panel' and select 'Open'. Select 'Computers' from the 'Control Panel' menu. Select the 'Administrative Tools' option. Now you should see a new window appear with a series of tabs that are labeled with letters along the left side. These are known as control panel folders or sub-menu's, each one allows access to different controls and information about epson printers. We'll be working under the 'Computer Management' option. Click on the next tab near the top of the window labeled 'Services' which will open up several new browser windows for us to use to view our computer's current status. To bring up this window simply left-click on the 'Run' option which will appear to the right of the 'File' button and then type 'services.msc' into the box that appears and press Enter. At this point we're looking at a window with a table of items labeled with individual names, you can click on any one of these to select it and name it as we wish. Keep in mind this is just a reference title and it doesn't mean what we think it does! Don't use funny names like 'idprinter, smssys, wmiprvse or sppsvc'. These are very common names that all printers respond to. Scroll down and we'll see a series of numbers that represent running services and drivers. If you're using a computer that's new and has never had an epson printer connected to it before then we can use the 'start' option at the bottom. Otherwise we'll have to uncheck any unneeded services or drivers before proceeding. If you see an entry with an asterisk (*) in front of it, such as 'Get*Dns*Networking Key', select this item and press delete on your keyboard. This will remove that specific service, in most cases it will also remove any entries related to it too. cfa1e77820