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A tafsir is the act of interpreting Quranic verses. It can also refer to a book of such interpretations. The word is derived from the Arabic root "tafsiru" (to explain), and Tafseer-ul-Kabir by Ibn Katheer is considered by Muslims to be the most authoritative tafsir on the Qur'an. This article has been created for those who seek help in understanding or researching different aspects of religion, especially about Islam, the Quran and its meanings. Tafsir is an Arabic word, which literally means 'interpretation' or 'explanation'. The term Tafsir is used in the Quran and Hadith for a lengthy, systematic exegesis. It is the explication of the Quran by a scholar. The word Tafsir has been derived from a root word "taf-seer" meaning 'to explain'. The first scholar who used this term for explaining was Abu Al-Hasan Al-Alyabi. Prior to that Ya'qub ibn Ishaq had been the first to use the term, but he had no book prepared for it. Alyabi had written a book of Tafsir in which he explained the doctrines of Isra and Miraj, the story of Joseph, the nature of God, Resurrection etc., in Arabic. Ibn Katheer is considered by Muslims to be the most authoritative tafsir on the Quran. Ibn Katheer wrote many books on various topics of Islamic teachings. Some renowned commentators are Imam Bukhari, Imam Al-Nasa'i, Imam Tirmidhi, Sheikh Abdul Majeed Zakiuddin, Hafiz Sufyan Thauri Mehmoodi Al-Hindi, Hafiz Muhammad Kathiri. The process involves detailed investigation, study of Islamic texts, studying the history of Islamic scholars' statements and statements of the early Muslims. This process culminates in a book called a tafsir. Tafsirs look at the verses of the Quran and explain what they believe is their meaning. Often they will comment on the verses from a historical, social or scientific perspective as well as from scriptural perspective. Tafsir is one of the methods used to explain the meanings of Quranic verses, and many scholars have written interpretations on some verse(s) in particular. The amount of material for tafsir far exceeds that which can be covered in one book or article on it. This material is not covered here. The tafsir is the place for the student to check the accuracy of a quote. It is also a good scholarly review of ideas and opinions. There are many different types of tafsir, and two broad divisions: those that focus solely on analyzing and understanding the meanings and concepts and those that also discuss how to put these teachings into practice. The former type discusses subjects such as human nature, ethics, metaphysics, etc., while the latter type focuses more on practical matters such as living an Islamic lifestyle. Tafsirs tend to focus on explaining particular verses or narrations. cfa1e77820